Dragon age qunari update
Dragon age qunari update

Throughout the Dragon Age games though, it's been a slow process to see more fantasy races become companions, and potential love interests at that. If you're not in the Dragon Age fandom, the love for this Qunari warrior might seem overzealous. Art of her seemed inevitable, as Twitter users immediately began crafting their own version of their mysterious Qunari infatuation. Just as fast as the theory-crafters and lore nerds (I say this as one of them) were the artists, who found a new muse in this Qunari warrior. The mysterious Qunari is fast becoming a favorite. The Qunari and Tevinter Imperium do love squabbling with each other. Considering that-from both the concept art and the ending of Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC-a trip to Tevinter seems likely, that also means Qunari could play a more prominent role. Some threads have speculated about what role she might play. It took very little time for fans to start speculating about this mysterious "Qunari lady," and whether she is romanceable or not. Her appearance in the concept art has many fans thinking she's a potential companion-in Dragon Age parlance, a character that can join your party, quest with you, and notably for some, be a romance option for your main character. We know next to nothing about her, other than that she wields two blades and has surprisingly long hair, at least compared to previous Qunari characters like Iron Bull or Sten. Among the many screenshots and art pieces that were shown, there were a few appearances of a mysterious Qunari woman.

Dragon age qunari update